Partnership Project with UCG


1. Institution: Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia (CEP) and Universidade Católica de Goiás (UCG).
2. Course: Specialization in Applied Transpersonal Psychology 2002.
3. Large Area and Area of Knowledge: Psychology.
4. Responsible Units: Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia (CEP) and Universidade Católica de Goiás (UCG).




5. CEP Course Coordinator: Álvaro da Veiga Jardim Júnior - Specialist and Advanced in Transpersonal Psychology and Holotropic BreathworkTM, through Grof Transpersonal Training and Specialist in Human Values and Transdisciplinarity (Lato Sensu Post-Graduation), through Universidade Salgado de Oliveira.


Álvaro da Veiga Jardim Júnior


2.1. Realization Period: Beginning - November 2002; and Conclusion - April 2004.
2.2. Workload: Three hundred and seventy-five (375) hours.
2.3. Type: Specialization (Resolution 1 / 2001- CNE / CES).
2.4. Mode: Modular; and Part-time.
2.5. Initiative: Interinstitutional.
2.6. Number of Vacancies: Minimum of 35 vacancies and maximum of 45 vacancies.
2.6. 1. Scholarships: One (01) scholarship provided by UCG.
2.7. Days and Hours of Operation: Friday (3pm/7pm
8pm/10pm) - Saturday (8:30am / 0:30pm - 2pm / 6pm - 7pm / 10pm) - Sunday (8am/12am - 1pm / 5pm) - one weekend per month (25 hours), for 16 months, excluding the month of January 2003 and 2004, ending in April 2004.


3.1 - Justifications / Objectives of the Course:

- Contribute to the understanding of the nature of human consciousness and psyche;

- Experience, study and integrate the contents arising from the Cartography of the Psyche model of Modern Consciousness Research;

- Experience effective therapeutic techniques to help the perception and understanding of the new paradigm, contexts, changes in values and integration of realities;

- Raising consciousness of professionals to deal with the individual as a whole;

- Enable an integrated world view, coherent thinking, feeling and acting, seeking the integration of the various dimensions of human consciousness;

- Discuss and analyze the different specificities of applying the framework of
Transpersonal Psychology in other areas of human knowledge;

- Develop and deepen, in the area of theoretical and practical knowledge of
Transpersonal Psychology and its applicability;

- Produce knowledge about the different dimensions of the integration processes.

3.2 - Need / Importance of the Course for IES, Region and Knowledge Area:
The need for this course is present through the frequent search for professionals in the field of Psychology and other areas requesting information about Transpersonal Psychology and its applicability. There is a very small number of trained and qualified professionals, able to clarify and act through the application of updated concepts of Transpersonal Psychology, within a vision that uses the permanent link between knowledge and action, rescuing the individual, social and environmental responsibilities of the performance in the world. Therefore, and admitting the importance and need for a dialectical praxis of the educational process, aimed at the growth of the professional, by expanding the scope of the perception of contexts to better deal with them and integrate them into a reality that allows for thinking, to feel and act coherently, the Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia in partnership with the Universidade Católica de Goiás structured this course to provide a new professional demand.


4.1 - Selective process:
a) Registration for Selection: Period: until 09/10/2002.
Requirements: Higher education degree holders with full higher education diplomas in any area of knowledge.
b) Selection: Period: 11/09 to 11/10/2002. Form adopted: Interviews and Curriculum Vitae.
c) Enrollment: Period: 11/09 to 20 November 2002. d) Course start: 22 November 2002.
e) End of Course: April 4, 2004.

4.2 - Student Performance Evaluation Process in the Course: Seminars, reviews, projects and monographs.

4.3 Course Curricular Structure
Order Specification Workload
Credit Hours / Class *
Simple Special
1 Synthesis of Stanislav Grof's Theory 25
2 Scientific Paradigms 50
3 Notions of Analytical Psychology 34
4 Heuristic and Healing Potential of Nonordinary States of Consciousness 25
5 Cartography of the Human Psyche 25
6 Architecture of Emotional and Psychosomatic Disorders 25
7 Therapeutic Experiences 96
8 Spiritual Emergency 25
9 Deep Ecology 36
10 Death and Dying 14
11 Guided Activities 20
Total 375
* Hours / Class with unit duration of 60 ′ (60 minutes)



- Total number of professors who will teach the course: 08 (eight).

- Number of professors belonging to the permanent staff of the HEI that offers the course: 06 (six).

- Number of professors outside the HEI who offer the course: 02 (two). Titration:

- No. of Specialists: 05 (five).

- No. of Masters: 01 (one).

- Number of Doctors: 02 (two).


Subjects Number of Hours Start Month / Year End Month / Year Teacher's name Title Ph.D./ DR. MS. Esp. IES a que está Vinculado Pertence ao quadro permanente da IES que oferece o curso
Sim Não
Synthesis of Stanislav Grof's Theory 25 11/2002 11/2002 Stanislav Grof MD and Ph.D.
Paradigms and Scientific Methodology 50 12/2002 02/2003 Carmen Maciel MS.
Notions of Analytical Psychology 34 03/2003 04/2003 Gessília Padilha Esp.
Healing and Heuristic Potential of Nonordinary States of Conscience 25 05/2003 05/2003 Álvaro V Jardim Esp.
Cartography of the Human Psyche 25 06/2003 06/2003 Carmen Maciel MS.
Architecture of Emotional and Psychosomatic Disorders 25 07/2003 08/2003 Marlene Sergi Esp.
Therapeutic Experiences 96 05/2003 03/2004 Álvaro V. Jardim Esp.
Guided Activities 20 09/2003 09/2003 Cirlena Procópio Esp.
Spiritual Emergency 25 10/2003 11/2003 Vera Casali Esp.
Deep Ecology 36 12/2003 02/2004 Lais Mourão Ph.D.
Death and Dying 14 03/2004 03/2004 Sonia Augusto Esp.
Final Work Presentation 04/2004 04/2004
375 11/2002 04/2004


6.1.1 - Program Content:
Healing and Heuristic Potential of Nonordinary States of Consciousness; Cartography of the Human Psyche: Biographical, Perinatal and Transpersonal Domains; Architecture of Emotional and Psychosomatic Disorders; Spiritual Emergency: Understanding and Treating Transformation Crises; New Perspectives on Psychotherapy and Self-Exploration; Spirituality and Religion; The Experience of Death and Dying: Psychological, Philosophical and Spiritual Perspectives; The Cosmic Game: Exploring the Farthest Reaches of Human Consciousness.
6.1.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
02. __ O Jogo Cósmico. SP: Editora Atheneu, 1999.
03. __  Além do Cérebro. SP: Editora McGraw-Hill, 1987.
04. __ Realms of the Human Unconscious. New York: Viking Press, 1975.
05. __ Emergência Espiritual: Crise e Transformação. (com Grof, C.) SP: Cultrix, 1989.
06. __ A Tempestuosa Busca do Ser. (com Grof, C.) SP: Cultrix, 1991.
07. GROF, S. & HALIFAX, J. The Human Encounter with Death. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1977.
08. La Evolución de la Conciencia. (e outros, editado por Grof, S.) Barcelona: Kairós, 1993.


6.2.1 - Program Content:
The Nature of Reality: Philosophy of Science and the Role of Paradigms; Mechanistic Science and the Newtonian-Cartesian Paradigm; Perennial Philosophy and the Mystical Vision of Reality; Conceptual Challenges of a Modern Research of Consciousness - New Paradigm; New Understanding of Reality, Existence and Human Nature; The Holonomic Approach.
6.2.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. BATESON, G. Natureza e Espírito. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, 1987.
02. CAPRA, F. O Tao da Física. SP: Cultrix, 1983.
03. __ O Ponto de Mutação. SP: Cultrix, 1986.
04. __ Sabedoria Incomum. SP: Cultrix, 1995.
05. __ A Teia da Vida. SP: Cultrix, 1999.
06. DEMO, P. Metodologia Científica em Ciências Sociais. SP: Atlas, 1995.
07. FERGUSON, M. A Conspiração Aquariana. SP: Record, 1980.
08. FOUREZ, G. A Construção das Ciências: Introdução à Filosofia e à Ética das Ciências. SP: Unesp, 1995.
09. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
10. __ O Jogo Cósmico. SP: Editora Atheneu, 1999.
11. __  Além do Cérebro. SP: Editora McGraw-Hill, 1987.
12. La Evolución de la Conciencia. (e outros, editado por Grof, S.) Barcelona: Kairós, 1993.
13. HUXLEY, A. A Filosofia Perene. SP: Cultrix, 1991.
14. SALOMON, D. V. Como Fazer uma Monografia. SP: Martins Fontes, 1999.
15. SHELDRAKE, R. O Renascimento da Natureza. SP: Cultrix, 1993.
16. TARNAS, R. A Epopéia do Pensamento Ocidental. RJ: Bertrand Brasil, 2001.
17. TOBEN, B., WOLF, F. A. Espaço, Tempo e Além. SP: Cultrix., 1988.
18. TRUNGPA, C. Além do Materialismo Espiritual. SP: Cultrix, 1986.
19. WALSH, R. N. e VAUGHAN, F. Além do Ego. SP: Cultrix, 1995.
20. WILBER, K. O Projeto Atman. SP: Cultrix, 1999.
21. __ O Olho do Espírito. SP: Cultrix, 2001.


6.3.1 - Program Content:
Heuristic and Healing Potential of Nonordinary States of Consciousness: Nonordinary States of Consciousness; Holotropic States of Consciousness (HSC); HSC in the History of Humanity; HSC in the History of Psychiatry; Implications of Modern Consciousness Research for Psychiatry.
6.3.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. CASTANEDA, C. A Erva do Diabo. SP: Record, 1973.
02. ELIADE, M. O Xamanismo. SP: Martins Fontes, 1998.
03. __ O Sagrado e o Profano. Lisboa: Ed. Livros do Brasil, 1956.
04. __ O Mito do Eterno Retorno. Lisboa: Ed 70. 1985.
05. FREUD, S. & BREUER, J. Studies in Hysteria. New York: Nervous and Mental Diseases Publication Company, 1936.
06. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
07. __ A Aventura da Autodescoberta. SP: Summus Editorial, 1997.
08. __ LSD Psychotherapy. USA: MAPS, 2001.
09. __ A Tempestuosa Busca do Ser. (com Grof, C.) SP: Cultrix, 1991.
10. HARNER, M. O Caminho do Xamã. SP: Cultrix, 1985.
11. TENDAM, H. Healing Our Deepest Wounds. SP: Summus, 1997.
12. TULKU, T. Gestos de Equilíbrio. SP: Pensamento, 1999.
13. __ A Expansão da Mente. SP: Cultrix, 1987.
14. VAUGHAN, F. Novas Dimensões da Cura Espiritual. SP: Cultrix, 1992.
15. WASSON, R. G., HOFMANN, A., & RUCK, C. A. P. The Road to Eleusis. New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, 1978.


6.4.1 - Program Content:
The Collective Unconscious; The Archetypes; Persona; The mask; the shadow; The Self; Inflation of the Ego; The Individualization Process; The Alchemical Process; Synchronicity; The Symbol Function; The myth; Belief and Values; Experiences through Jungian Expressive Techniques.
6.4.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. ABRAMS, J. O Reencontro da Criança Interior. SP: Cultrix, 1994.
02. ABRAMS, J. & ZWEIG, C. Ao Encontro da Sombra. SP: Cultrix, 1994.
03. CAMPBELL, J. O Herói de Mil Faces. SP: Cultrix, 1988.
04. __ Para Viver os Mitos. SP: Cultrix, 1997.
05. __ O Poder do Mito. SP: Palas Athena, 1990.
06. CHEVALIER, J. & GHEERBRANT, A. Dicionário de Símbolos. SP: José Olympio Ed., 1996.
07. EDINGER, E. F. Anatomia da Psique. SP: Cultrix, 1990.
08. __  Ego e Arquétipo. SP: Cultrix, 1989.
09. JOHNSON, R. A. A Chave do Reino Interior. SP: Mercuryo, 1989.
10. JUNG, C. G. O Homem e seus Símbolos. RJ: Nova Fronteira, 1977.
11. __ Memórias, Sonhos e Reflexões. RJ: Nova Fronteira, 1975.
12. __ Obras Completas. RJ: Vozes, 1981.
13. KRIPPNER, S. Decifrando a Linguagem dos Sonhos. SP: Cultrix, 1994.
14. SANFORD, J. A. Mal – O Lado Sombrio da Realidade. SP: Ed. Paulinas, 1988.
15. SILVEIRA, N. Imagens do Inconsciente. RJ: Alhambra –Tipo Editor, 1981.


6.5.1 - Program Content:
Post-Natal Biography; the Individual Unconscious and the Sensory Barrier; Condensed Experiment Systems (COEX Systems); The Perinatal Level of the Unconscious: Basic Perinatal Matrices; The Psyche's Transpersonal Domain: Transpersonal Experiences.
6.5.2. Bibliografia Indicada:
01. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
02. __ A Aventura da Autodescoberta. SP: Summus Editorial, 1997.
03. __ A Mente Holotrópica. (com Bennett, H.Z.) RJ: Ed. Rocco, 1992.
04. __ Realms of the Human Unconscious. USA: Souvenir Press, 1979.


6.6.1 - Program Content:
Architecture of Emotional and Psychosomatic Disorders: Anxiety and Phobias; Conversion Hysteria; Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis; Depression, Mania and Suicidal Behavior; Alcoholism and Drug Addiction; Sexual disorders and deviations; Psychosomatic Manifestations of Emotional Disorders; Autistic and Symbiotic Infant Psychoses, Narcissistic Personalities and Borderline Personality States; The Psychodynamics of Adult Psychotic States.
6.6.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. ALEXANDER, F. Medicina Psicossomática. SP: Ed Artmed, 1950.
02. DYCHTWALD, K. Corpomente. SP: Summus, 1984.
03. FENICHEL, O. Teoria Psicanalítica das Neuroses. SP: Ed Atheneu.
04. FREUD, S. Três Ensaios Sobre a Teoria da Sexualidade. SP: Imago.
05. __ Além do Princípio do Prazer. SP: Imago.
06. __ O Mal-estar na Civilização. SP: Imago.
07. __ Esboço de Psicanálise. SP: Imago.
08. FREUD, S. & BREUER, J. Studies in Hysteria. New York: Nervous and Mental Diseases Publication Company, 1936.
09. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
10. __ Além do Cérebro. SP: Editora McGraw-Hill, 1987.
11. KAPLAN, H. S. & KAPLAN, H. I. Conceitos Atuais de Medicina Psicossomática. Em: Compêndio de Psiquiatria. SP: Ed Artmed.
12. RANK, O. The Trauma of Birth. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1929.
13. REICH, W. Análise do Caráter. SP: Martins Fontes, 1972.
14. __ A Função do Orgasmo. SP: Ed Brasiliense, 1975.


6.7.1 - Program Content:
EE triggers; Diagnosis of EE; EE varieties; Understanding and
EE Treatment.
6.7.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
02. __ A Tempestuosa Busca do Ser. (com Grof, C.) SP: Cultrix, 1991.
03. __ Spiritual Emergency. (com Grof, C.) SP: Cultrix, 1992.
04. JAMES, W. As Variedades da Experiência Religiosa. SP: Cultrix, 1991.
05. MONROE, R. A. Viagens Fora do Corpo. SP: Record.
06. __ Viagens Além do Universo. SP: Record.
07. __ A Última Jornada. SP: Record/Nova Era.
08. MUKTANANDA, S. Kundalini – The Secret of Life. USA: SYDA Foundation, 1994.
09. SANNELLA, L. The Kundalini Experience. Lowerlake, CA: Integral Publishing. 1987.
10. SPARKS, T. The Wide Open Door. Minnesota, USA: Hazelden, 1993.
11. STEVENSON, I. Vinte Casos Sugestivos de Reencarnação. SP: Ed Difusora cultural, 1970.


6.8.1 - Program Content:
Death and Dying: The Experience of Death and Dying - Philosophical, Psychological and Spiritual Perspectives; Thanatology - Experiences and Observations; Individual and Social Implications of Research on Death and Dying; Exploring the Most Remote Scopes of Human Consciousness; Evolution of Human Consciousness and Survival - Transpersonal Perspective of the Global Crisis; Spirituality and Religion.
6.8.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. BECKER, E. A Negação da Morte. RJ: Nova Fronteira, 1976.
02. EVANS-WENTZ, W. Y. O Livro Tibetano dos Mortos. SP: Pensamento, 1985.
03. GROF, C. Sede de Plenitude. RJ: Rocco, 1996.
04. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
05. __ Books of the Dead. London: Thames and Hudson, 1994.
06. __ Beyond Death. (com Grof, C.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1990.
07. __ O Jogo Cósmico. SP: Editora Atheneu, 1999.
08. __  Além do Cérebro. SP: Editora McGraw-Hill, 1987.
09. __ A Tempestuosa Busca do Ser. (com Grof, C.) SP: Cultrix, 1991.
10. GROF, S. & HALIFAX, J. The Human Encounter with Death. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1977.
11. KUBLER-ROSS, E. Sobre a Morte e o Morrer. SP: Martins Fontes, 1981.
12. __ Morte – Estágio Final da Evolução. RJ: Record, 1977.
13. __ AIDS – O Desafio Final. SP: Ed Best Seller, 1988.
14. MOODY Jr., R. A. Vida Depois da Vida. SP: Edibolso, 1977.


6.9.1 - Program Content:
Holotropic Breathwork; Experience with Body Work; Nourishing Physical Contact; Other Modalities of Experiences (Integration Experiences); Experiences of Group Dynamics.
6.9.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. ALEXANDER, F. Medicina Psicossomática. SP: Ed Artmed, 1950.
02. ASSAGIOLI, R. Psicossíntese. SP: Cultrix, 1982.
03. DYCHTWALD, K. Corpomente. SP: Summus, 1984.
04. FENICHEL, O. Teoria Psicanalítica das Neuroses. SP: Ed Atheneu.
05. FREUD, S. Três Ensaios Sobre a Teoria da Sexualidade. SP: Imago.
06. __ Além do Princípio do Prazer. SP: Imago.
07. __ O Mal-estar na Civilização. SP: Imago.
08. __ Esboço de Psicanálise. SP: Imago.
09. FREUD, S. & BREUER, J. Studies in Hysteria. New York: Nervous and Mental Diseases Publication Company, 1936.
10. GROF, S. Psicologia do Futuro. RJ: Editora Heresis, 2000.
11. __ Além do Cérebro. SP: Editora McGraw-Hill, 1987.
12. __ A Aventura da Autodescoberta. SP: Summus Editorial, 1997.
13. __ LSD Psychotherapy. USA: MAPS, 2001.
14. KAPLAN, H. S. & KAPLAN, H. I. Conceitos Atuais de Medicina Psicossomática. Em: Compêndio de Psiquiatria. SP: Ed Artmed.
15. LAING, R. D. A Política da Família. Lisboa: Portugália Editora, 1971.
16. __ O Eu Dividido. RJ: Vozes, 1973.
17. __ A Política de Experiência e a Ave do Paraíso. RJ: Vozes, 1974.
18. __ O Eu e os Outros. RJ: Vozes, 1974.
19. LAING, R. D., COOPER, D. G. Razão e Violência. RJ: Vozes, 1976.
20. LOWEN, A. A Espiritualidade do Corpo. SP: Cultrix, 1993.
21. RANK, O. The Trauma of Birth. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1929.
22. REICH, W. Análise do Caráter. SP: Martins Fontes, 1972.
23. __ A Função do Orgasmo. SP: Ed Brasiliense, 1975.
24. SCHUTZ, W. C. O Prazer. RJ: Imago, 1974.
25. SOUZA FILHO, C. C. Introdução à Psicologia Tibetana. RJ: Vozes, 1982.
26. TAYLOR, K. The Breathwork Experience. CA, USA: Hanford Mead Publishers, 1994.
27. __ The Ethics of Caring. CA, USA: Hanford Mead Publishers, 1995.
28. TENDAM, H. Healing Our Deepest Wounds. SP: Summus, 1997.
29. TUCCI, G. Teoria e Prática da Mandala. SP: Pensamento, 1984.
30. WALSH, R. N. e VAUGHAN, F. Além do Ego. SP: Cultrix, 1995.


6.10.1 - Program Content:
Environmental crisis and unsustainability of the technocratic mechanistic model. The look of complexity: transdisciplinarity and the integrated view of the physical, biological and human universe. Ecology and Education, paradigm shift and planetary ethics: ecology, ethology, ecophilosophy, eco-ethics. Arne Naess and the Deep Ecology paradigm: an ecocentric view. The notions of human nature and human culture: biophysical rooting and socio-cultural evolution. Ecosystems as a paradigmatic reference. The alchemy of the human emotional: intersubjectivity and legitimacy of the other. The re-connection of the human and the sense of the sacred: overcoming separativeness. Belonging and mystical participation: an anthropological view of the shamanic experience. The development of ecological wisdom: scientific knowledge and direct, affective and intuitive perception of the relationship between homo sapiens and all forms of life. Mythical discourse as a point of reordering the relationship of belonging. Creative co-evolution: complexification and updating of potentials. The intrinsic value of life: a subject-subject relationship, a profound experience of being part of the biotic community.
6.10.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
01. BACHELARD, Gaston – A Terra e os Devaneios da Vontade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1991.
02. __ A Psicanálise do Fogo. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1994.
03. __ A Poética do Espaço. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2000.
04. __ A Água e os Sonhos. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1989.
05. BOFF, Leonardo – Saber Cuidar. Ética do Humano – Compaixão pela Terra. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000.
06. __ Ethos Mundial. Um consenso mínimo entre os humanos. Brasília: Letraviva, 2000.
07. CAMPBELL, J. – Todos os Nomes da Deusa. Rio de Janeiro: Rosa dos Tempos, 1997.
08. __ O Herói de Mil Faces. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1993.
09. __ O Vôo do Pássaro Selvagem. Ensaios sobre a universalidade dos mitos. Rio de Janeiro: Rosa dos Tempos, 1997.
10. CARVALHO, José J. de – Os melhores poemas de Amor de todos os tempos. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro, 2001.
11. CATUNDA, Marta – O Canto de Céu Aberto e de Mata Fechada. Cuiabá: EdUFMT, 1994.
12. DALAI LAMA, S. S. – Uma Ética para o Novo Milênio. Rio de Janeiro: Sextante, 200.
13. DOWNING, C. (org.) – Espelhos do Self. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1994.
14. DRENGSON, A. & Inoue, Y. – The Deep Ecology Movement. An Introductory Anthology. California, Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 1995.
15. ELIADE, Mircea – Mefistófiles e o Andrógino. Comportamentos religiosos e valores espirituais não-europeus. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1991.
16. __ O Sagrado e o Profano. A essência das religiões. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992.
17. __ Ferreiros e Alquimistas. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água, 1987.
18. __ Mito do Eterno Retorno. São Paulo: Mercuryo, 1992.
19. FARIA, Antonio Augusto da C. – Encontros Fortuitos. Reflexões sobre a natureza. São Paulo: SENAC, 2002.
20. GOLEMAN, Daniel – Emoções que Curam. Conversas com o Dalai Lama sobre mente alerta, emoções e saúde. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1999.
21. HELLER, Agnes – O Cotidiano e a História. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1992.
22. JUNG, Carl G. – O Espírito na Arte e na Ciência. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1987.
23. LACHANCE, Albert – Espiritualidade Verde. Doze lições sobre Espiritualidade Ecológica. São Paulo: Gaia, 1996.
24. MARCINIAK, Barbara – Terra. Chaves Pleiadianas para a Biblioteca Viva. São Paulo: Ground, 1997.
25. MARTINI, Antonio (et al.) – O Humano, lugar do sagrado. São Paulo: Olho d’Água, 1996.
26. MATURANA, Humberto – A Ontologia da Realidade. Belo Horizonte: EdUFMG, 2002.
27. MORIN, Edgar – O Método 5. A humanidade da humanidade: a identidade humana. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2002.
28. MOURÃO, Lais – O Futuro Ancestral. Tradição e revolução científica no pensamento de C. G. Jung. Brasília: EdUnB, 1997.
29. OLIVEIRA, Roberto Cardoso – Razão e Afetividade. O pensamento de Lucien Lévy- Bruhl. Campinas: UNICAMP, 1991.
30. SAGAN, Carl – Bilhões e Bilhões. Reflexões sobre vida e morte na virada do milênio. São Paulo: Cia das Letras, 1998.
31. SHELDRAKE, Rupert – O Renascimento da Natureza. São Paulo: Cultrix,1993.
32. SWIMME, Brian – O Universo é um Dragão Verde. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1991.
33. TULKU, Tartang – A Expansão da Mente. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1988.
34. __ Reflexões sobre a Mente. O encontro da psicologia ocidental com o budismo tibetano. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1990.
35. UNGER, Nancy M. – O Encantamento do Humano. Ecologia e espiritualidade. São
Paulo: Loyola, 1991.
36. WEBER, Renée – Diálogos com Cientistas e Sábios. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1991.


6.11. 1. Programmatic Content: The Scientific Method.
The Research: General Notions; Research Concept; Types of Research; Research project. How to Proceed with the Investigation: Choice of Subject; Formulation of Problems; Exploratory Studies; Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation. Work Structure: Project Development; Orientation Laboratory.
6.11.2 - Indicated Bibliography:
1. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. Normas ABNT sobre documentação. Rio de Janeiro, [20_ _ ].
2. BIANCHETTI, Lucídio. MACHADO, Ana Maria Netto. (orgs.). A Bússola do escrever : desafios e estratégias na orientação de teses e dissertações. São Paulo: Cortez, 2002.
3. COSTA, Sérgio Francisco. Método científico: os caminhos da investigação.São Paulo: HARBRA, 2001.
4. DEMO, Pedro. Metodologia científica em ciência sociais. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atlas. 1989.
5. DENCKER, Ada de Freitas Maneti. Pesquisa empírica em ciências humanas. São Paulo: Futura, 2001.
6. FERNANDES, José, Técnicas de estudo e pesquisa. 3ª edição. Goiânia: Kelps, 2001.
7. GOLDENBERG, Mirian. A arte de pesquisar: como fazer pesquisa qualitativa em Ciências Sociais. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1998.
8. GONZÁLES, Rey, Fernando Luis. Pesquisa qualitativa em psicologia : caminhos e desafios. Tradução de Marcel Aristides Ferrada Silva. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2002.
9. LAKATOS, Eva Maria, MARCONI, Marina de Andrade. Metodologia científica. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1991.
10. MEDEIROS, João Bosco. Redação científica: a prática de fichamentos, resumos, resenhas. 4a ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2000.
11. RICHARDSON, Roberto Jarry et al. Pesquisa social: métodos e técnicas. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1989.
12. SALOMON, Délcio Vieira. Como fazer uma monografia: elementos de metodologia de trabalhos científicos. Belo Horizonte: Interlivros, 1974.
13. SEVERINO, Antônio Joaquim. Metodologia do Trabalho Científico. 22. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2002.
14. SILVA, Marcos Antonio da. Normas para elaboração e apresentação de trabalhos acadêmicos na UCG: modalidades, formação e referências. Goiânia : Ed. da UCG, 2002.
15. THIOLLENT, Michel. Pesquisa-ação nas organizações. São Paulo: Atlas, 1997.
16. TRIVINOS, Augusto Nivaldo Silva. Introdução à pesquisa em Ciências Sociais: a pesquisa qualitativa em educação. São Paulo : Atlas, 1997.
17. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ. Teses, dissertações, monografias e trabalhos acadêmicos. Curitiba: Ed. da UFPR, 2001. (Normas para apresentação de documentos científicos, v. 2).

7 - TEACHING METHODOLOGY (Description and Justificatives)

This Specialization has an integrating and globalizing character, reflecting:

- the various fields of human knowledge and cultural experiences, focusing on individual responsibility in the local and global corporate context;

- a pedagogy of training and improvement in the practice of emerging paradigms, referenced in human values;

- a transdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach;

- a praxis - theoretical and experiential methodology building links between science and ethics and emphasizing professional action committed to the welfare of society;

- an exercise in critical self-reflection and integration of the rational, logical, creative, intuitive, emotional, affective and spiritual dimensions.

The course will be taught through 16 meetings, of approximately 25 hours each, one weekend per month, totaling 375 hours, starting in November 2002 and ending in April 2004.

The resources and didactic procedures used to raise awareness are varied, including expository and interactive classes, both theoretical and experiential, with guidance in the preparation of reviews, monograph, projects, directed studies and theoretical works.


a) Facilities (classrooms, laboratories, etc.): Serro Park Hotel (immersion regime, exclusive for meetings).
b) Library (bibliographic collection): Catholic University of Goiás.
c) Computer Resources: Catholic University of Goiás.
d) Reprography: Marketed to students.


9.1. Expenses Prevision - in charge of the Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia.
a) Passagens de Professores Convidados: a cargo do Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia;
b) Invited Teachers' Diaries: in charge of the Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia;
c) Remuneration of Class Hours: in charge of the Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia;
e) Other Expenses: borne by the Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia;
f) Maintenance scholarships (students residing outside the headquarters of the course): there will be none.


The evaluation used by the Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia, obeyed some criteria for selection, after enrollment of the student in the Graduate Program in Applied Transpersonal Psychology in 2002, in order to proceed to registration.
Initially, each student presented their curriculum, filled out a medical form and an application form, required because it is a theoretical and experiential course. Then, he went through an individual interview with the coordinator Álvaro da Veiga Jardim, who proceeded to the evaluation, through the criteria of analysis of the performed procedures.
Those selected were careful to propose that they undergo psychotherapy during the course of specialization.


Participants will be able to choose between two options, to carry out their work, to be evaluated, in order to obtain the Certificate of Completion of the course:
a) Monograph: title; abstract; introduction; state of the art work; development;
methodology; results and conclusion;
b) Project: title; abstract; introduction; state of the art work; development;
methodology; results; completion and time / economic schedule.
Evaluation works may be presented in pairs or individually.
